Advantage of 10pin Stringsetters
Many bowling alleys require a full-time mechanic to keep automated pinspotters in good operating order and to fix pin jams in the machines during bowling.
String pinsetters are a lot less expensive than fully automated machines. One of the many advantages of string pinsetters is that they have fewer moving parts and require minimal maintenance. This compares with fully mechanical and electrical pinsetters that are very elaborate machines with lots of moving parts, more than 1,500.
- Based on proven Kegel 9-pin technology installed in hundreds of Kegel centres throughout Europe
- Manufactured in Germany to our specifications
- Electronically controlled
- Robust and stable design
- Low moving parts count
- High setup speed
- Designed for continued use
- Best disentangling mechanism available
- Low power consumption
- Low cost of ownership
- Noise absorbing pin centering system
- Optional string operated “sweep” flap for genuine Tenpin look